Monday, January 23, 2012

Film Genre Analysis - Action: 3/5 Components

#1. List films that you think exemplify the genre (action). What similarities do you see?

There are quite a few films that exemplify the action genre, but to figure out these, allow me to define the action genre in film so you know what I'm talking about. Cool? Cool.

Typically, action flicks are more focused on exciting action sequences then on character development or plot. I don't mean that action movies have no substance, but it is most of the time not the plot which attracts the crowds. Its the super duper awesome effects and violence! Avatar is a fantastic example of this. The selling point was the technology behind the movie. The effects, the "revolutionary" 3D gimmick, they are all designed to draw in the general public. (No one commended Avatar on its plot, as it is basically Disney's Mulan with blue people.) It worked, as Avatar is now the most successful film of all time, not because of its story, or character depth, but because it caters to the desensitized youth, and focuses more on the action sequences, all common action movie tactics. My theory is that by targeting teens and young adults with all the guns, explosions, violence, and technology on screen, Avatar can attract an era of people desensitized by overly violent media like FPS games, and other action movies; because once you see enough of something, it looses its value. Remember, killing in movies used to be very rare and graphic; "Psycho" anyone? Today, that is simply not the case, an action movie without violence and often death is very uncommon.

A wholesome 100% stereotypical action flick needs four main things: Fighting, explosions, one liners, and chases. These components show that action films are almost always violent to some degree, which can be a good tool in figuring out which movie is action-oriented, and which ones aint. Due to their frequency in action sequences, these four components are a tell-tale sign of the genre; respectively earning the right in the classification of action movies. Examples of movies that contain all these elements, making them action films: Terminator 2, Dark Knight, Expendables, Rambo, Mission Impossible, Transformers, and many more.

Other similarities could include: Heroes, villains, guns, leather jackets, sunglasses, ridiculous odds, fight scenes, stunts, cool cars, attractive women, rock music, and much more.

#2 and 3. What time period did the genre emerge? How did the genre emerge? List eight influences/forces/artists that shaped the genre, and explain their significance to it's development.

The action genre in film began in 1920, when sword fights and the "western" genre of action came about. As things developed, James Bond came on to the scene in the 60's, and was easily the most popular action icon of the time, developing the blueprints for modern action films, including the violence, and one-man-army type film recipe reused repeatedly today.

The genre as we know it emerged as an idea of creating exciting, mass-produced entertainment for the masses. action movies often incorporate historic events in their structure, like World War I and II, (Ex: Saving Private Ryan) and wars between cowboys as seen in the western sub-genre of action.

The eight major influences of action film are no doubt the actors of the biggest action movies of all time. Jackie Chan, legendary super-star of the Martial Arts sub-genre of action movies, was a defining force in shaping action movies as we know them, with his box-office influence and perseverance in his work; He always did his stunts for real and without doubles, often resulting in serious injury. He pushed the limits of how extreme hand to hand combat could be, inspiring the world. Other icons that have shaped the action genre are Sylvester Stallone as Rambo, and Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator. Both are displayed as ultimate engines of destruction, each winning against impossible odds, which established the theme of good versus evil in the action genre. Chuck Norris and Bruce Willis, continued in the same fashion, establishing themselves as unbeatable icons. Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, and Pierce Brosnan as James Bond both flirted with the Adventure genre, bringing ever changing locals, and enemies with them. James Bond established the theme of one night stands, one liners, cool cars, and gadgets into the genre. Indiana Jones brought exciting chase scenes to the forefront of action movies, and the common act of an enemy local falling apart, threatening to take our heroes with them. Without these super stars of action, the genre would not be half as successful as it it today, each one has continued off the work of another, and made action movies one of the most popular movie genres.

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