Sunday, January 29, 2012


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Mini-view #1

In this film, we follow Joel; a normal guy bored with his life. He meets a girl named Clementine, and the two begin a relationship. When things start to turn for the worse and they break up, a unique aspect of the plot is introduced. To remove haunting memories of their relationship, Clementine undergoes an experimental treatment for removing memories. Joel discovers this and is devastated, so he decides to submit himself to the same procedure. I believe this film is very unique, it is a romance, but also contains sci-fi elements such as the sophisticated process of memory removal, and the way the memories collapse as Joel runs through them in his mind. It is a very cool and interesting idea, and the film received much critical praise for this unique concept. I think it is very cool too. :)

RIP!: A Remixes Manifesto - Mini-view #2

This is a film about copyrigh
t, and what is considered legal or not. It is a very
sobering piece of cinema that shows just how corrupt the nature of ownership has become. This documentary focuses primarily on the
right to "intellectual property" or the ownership of ideas. I really like this
film because its an entertaining and informative look on an issue that is not really talked about. Massive corporations controlling all the media we have, who threat with fines of thousands or millions of dollars to control all media. It brings up fundamental questions about what is sharing and what is pirating, and it highlights the nature of the SOPA bill before it was introduced. For that reason and many others, I highly recommend this movies to anyone who has ever used media before; almost everyone.

Blade Runner - Mini-view #3

This is a film that looks at the future of Los Angeles, a future where global warming, food shortages, and crime are rampant. Technology is so advanced that humanity has created machines called Replicants, similar to Terminators, who are used as mining slaves with limited life spans. They are so similar to
humans that the only differences lie in eye structure and serial codes on the cells. Four of them have illegally immigrated to earth, looking for their maker in hopes of getting more life span. The film is a detective/thriller/action/sci-fi movie, because it incorporates the investigative atmosphere of a foggy, dark future, full of crime and an investigative plot. The plot follows a cop/famous retired bounty hunter who is called back in to
action a last time in an effort to capture the escaped Replicants. Action movie type fights happen, a notable one the final fight between the cop and the last Replicant. Sci-fi elements are everywhere: flying cars fill the skies, huge flashing buildings that resemble circuit boards tower in the skyline. To conclude, this a must see to any fan of sci-fi, and a remarkable example of good early special effects.

Spinal Tap - Mini view #4

Spinal Tap is a parody documentary that follows the life of a heavy metal group; Spinal Tap. It's ironically hilarious because it so accurately reflects actual metal bands of the time. The plot follows the European band as they go on a promotional tour to America, and that's about it. Along the way, they make complete fools of themselves, and lose members almost every day. The type of film is a documentary, and apparently people actually liked the parody songs so much they released them. Spinal Tap have a very loyal (although small) male fanbase, and their songs about teenage angst, sex, drugs, and alcohol are all very hilarious and suprisingly reminiscent of actual bands of the genre. Overall, this is a very entertaining movie that will make you laugh. :D

Le end.

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